Dhyanamu – Sannahamu & Vidhanamu


Telugu | Talks-2  (mp3 Audio)

SKU: MD01 Category:

“Knowledge of the Possible is the beginning of Happiness” – Pujya Acharya.

In this lecture given at Marri Channa Reddy Human Resource Development Institute, Hyderabad for various Heads of Department of the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Pujya Acharya Sri Prem Siddharth ji presents a brief introduction about Meditation, its preparation and practice. He gave clarity with the help of Scriptural insights about ‘What is Meditation?’, ‘Who requires Meditation?’ &‘What are the preparations to overcome obstacles in Meditation?’

Some of the topics that are dealt with include the following:

#The three I’s #Who can relax in ‘me’? #Steps for Meditation #Yama and Niyama #What is Quality time? #Types of Meditation and benefits...

Highly recommended for everyone.