Sri Krishnajanmaleela Prasangam


Telugu | Talks-15  (mp3 Audio)

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In these discourses delivered during the Sri Krishnashtami Jnana Yagnam 2016, Pujya Acharya reveals the hidden teachings of Sri Krishna Janmaleela from Srimadbhagavatam. The questions submitted by Sri Parikshit Maharaja to Sri Sukadeva, highlight the qualifications to listen to Sri Krishna Katha. 

It would not be an exaggeration to mention that every minute detail of the Sri Krishnajanma Leela is vividly described, intertwined with the Vedantic teaching. These discourses are unparallaled in revealing both the Rasa and the Rahasya of this divine advent.

Some of the important aspects in these discourses are:

 #What is an Avatara? #Significance of the Adhyatmika Avatara #Love for the World and Love for God #Lord’s manifestation as Kala(Time) and Purusha #What becomes Bhu Bhara – the burden to the Mother Earth? #Chintanam and Smaranam #The Story of the 6 babies who were killed by Kamsa…

These discourses will delight the Bhagavata Bhaktas

Highly Recommended for Everyone.