Upanishad Avalokanam – Katha


Telugu | Talks-11 (mp3 Audio)

SKU: UP06 Category:

Spread over two chapters, this Upanishad cleverly unfolds the Atma-Tatva. The uniqueness of the Upanishad is in the teacher, the Lord of Death – Lord Yama and His student, the five-year old Nachiketa. Lord Yama teaches him about the two paths – Shreyas and Preyas. This Upanishad beautifully presents the Sadhya and the Sadhanam – the means and the end of Vedanta.  In these discourses, Pujya Acharya introduces the teachings of the Upanishad explaining sloka by sloka, the qualities of a Sadhaka, the Chariot-Charioteer imagery and the significance of a competent Guru in Adhyayanam.