Pursuit of Perfection


Telugu | Talks-10  (mp3 Audio)

SKU: RA07 Category:

Sri Hanuman ji and Ravana are the pivotal characters in Sri Ramayana. Though both of them were in the pursuit of Perfection, only Hanuman ji succeeded in the pursuit. Why?

In these discourses, Pujya Acharya Sri Prem Siddharth ji brings Sri Hanuman ji and Ravana to the center-stage to show the stark contrast between their personalities and help us identify our Pursuit of Perfection and correct its course. Some of the important points are:

#Being Perfect vs. Experiencing The Perfect #Knowing myself #3-masks we wear #How to become a devotee? #Creation & Calling #Why am I disappointed? #Belief and Behaviour #Who is a Perfectionist? #Perfection vs. Wholeness #Power vs. Authority #3-statements we make #Approaching Scripture through Life #Whose story am I Living?…

Highly recommended for all.