These discourses were delivered by Pujya Acharya in the year 2013 at Sri Shiva-Vishnu temple, Livermore, California, USA. These 3 talks depict the depths of devotion of of Bhakta Shabari for whom Lord Sri Rama had to go to the forest and give darshanam. Pujya Acharya avers that Shabari mata is an ideal for us. Quoting slokas from Valmiki Ramayana, Padma purana and Ramacharita manas, Pujya Acharya spoke on the philosophical context of Shabari meeting her Lord Sri Ramachandra. This splendid episode explores most significant steps of sadhana such as #The role of Guru Bhakti #Why is Humility natural to Devotees #Difference between Griham(home)&Ashramam # Spiritual import of Shabari offering fruits to the Lord #How Silence can be a Prayer(Prayer & Prayerfulness)…