Sri Krishnabalaleela Prasangam – Putana Mokshamu


Telugu | Talks-18  (mp3 Audio)

SKU: BV08 Category:

These discourses were delivered by Vachaspati Pujya Acharya Sri Prem Siddharth ji during the Sri Krishnashtami Jnana Yagnam 2017. In these discourses, Pujya Acharya Swamiji reveals the Vedantic interpretation of the Putana Uddharana Leela from the the 10th Canto of Srimadbhagavatam. Pujya Acharya explains multiple symbolisms and allegories in this Leela with references to Upanishadic statements to establish the Vedantic essence of Srimadbhagavata. Many complex Vedantic teachings are dipped in the nectar of Bhagavata Katha thus making them easily palatable to Seekers.

Some of the important aspects in these discourses are:

 #Vision of Love #3-Types of Love#4-forms of Srimadbhagavatam #God-fearing – a confusion #Love for me and mine #True meaning of “I” #Faith in God vs. Faith in World #Discovering the Love for God #Who is a Kamsa? #Hypocricy #11-aspects of Bhagavan’s body #Sravanam to remove Asura gunas #14-seats of Avidya #Putana’s disguise – Vedantic teachings #Dealing with others’ faults #6-Kosas #Putana and Avidya #Putana – an etymological analysis…

These discourses will delight the Bhagavata Bhaktas

Highly Recommended for Everyone.