Sri Kunti Stuti


Telugu | Talks-20  (mp3 Audio)

SKU: BV06 Category:

In these discourses delivered during the Sri Krishnashtami Jnana Yagnam , Pujya Acharya reveals the teachings of Sri Kunti Stuti that appears as an episode in the 10th Canto of Srimadbhagavatam. 

Some of the important aspects in these discourses are:

 #Chit-Jada Granthi #Nirgrantha #Duties of a Sadhaka#4 types of presentation in Bhagavata #Vishaya Drushtitvam #Death in every relation #Prayerful Living #Materialist vs. Spiritualist #Qualities of a Moodha #Stree Gunam #Need for Antaranga Ishwara Murthy #Nature of Namaskara #Why does Ishwara have so many names? #What is Love? #How do we realize the grace of God #Disadvantages of Wealth #Advantage of Agony #Akinchanatvam #Purpose of Avatara – Devotees’ perspective #Avatara for Karma Yoga #Avidya – the cause of Sorrow #Why do I need God?

These discourses will delight the Bhagavata Bhaktas

Highly Recommended for Everyone. 

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