

Telugu | Talks-30 (mp3 Audio)

SKU: UATS Category:

Taittiriya Upanishad of Krishna Yajurveda consists of three chapters namely – Shikshavalli, Anandavalli and Bhruguvalli. In these 30 classes, Pujya Acharya Sri Prem Siddharth ji teaches the entire 1st chapter – Shikshavalli with all its 12 anuvakams. An elaborate exposition of various qualifications for Brahma Vidya is presented. In the 11th anuvaka, Pujya Acharya condenses Dharmashastra, which gives students an advantage of understanding the Dharma and also the vision of Veda Purva.

Some of the important and unique aspects that Pujya Acharya reveals in these discourses are:

#Karmayoga & Upasanayoga Sadhanas #Panchamaha yagnas & Avahanti homa #Yogyata Sadhana & Jnana Sadhana Japams # Sadachara #5 types of Upasanas-samhita, vyahruti, virat, hiranyagarbha and Ishwara Upasanas #Significance of OMkaara #The essential prayers befitting Vedanta students  #Dharmasastra & it’s 3 components

These classes demand a rapt attention and a committed pursuit of Sravanam. Highly recommended for the seekers of Upanishads and Vedanta.