“Living consists of two important aspects – Facing the Life and Making the Life” declares Pujya Acharya Sri Prem Siddharth ji
In these discourses delivered during the Gita Jnana Yagnam 2014, Pujya Acharya reveals the teaching of Bhagavadgita on Action and Appreciation. The discourses have abundance in offer where the words “Karma” and “Jnana” have been deduced comprehensively. These talks provide a complete analysis of human behavior and its refinement by Karma Yoga that prepares the seeker for Jnana Yoga. Redifining our understanding of Gita, these talks provide a clarity about:
#Reasons for the Popularity of Srimadbhagavadgita #Knowing THE Problem before THE Solution #Praying Effectively # Discovering True Luxury #The Two Freedoms #Vedic Vision behind Human Ends #The Two Lifestyles #YOGAS – Confusions #The Secrets of Karma Yoga #Relation between Desires-Actions-Results…
These talks will certainly introduce you to dimensions of your own mind that are rarely noticed and seldom discussed elsewhere.
Highly Recommended for Everyone